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How to Enter a Return
Entering Supplier Returns
- Click on the Returns link in the Information & Analysis section of the home page.
- From the Transaction Shortcuts, click on the New Supplier Return link or type ALT+ K on your keyboard.
- On this page, you can enter up to five supplier return transactions at one time. The field headings in the bar at the top correspond to the entry fields in the columns below.
- The Transaction Date will automatically populate with today's date.
- Select the Inventory Type of the item from the drop down list.
- Type the Item Number into the field or click on the binoculars icon to open a pop-up window where you can search for and select the item.
- Select the Pool that the items are being removed from.
- Enter a Return Reason.
- Enter the Quantity of items you are returning. The cost information will automatically populate.
- Select the Budget Code if needed.
- Select the Supplier from the drop down list.
- Enter Notes if needed.
- Enter any additional information into the appropriate fields and click Save at the bottom of the form.
Entering Inventory Returns
- Click on the Returns link in the Information & Analysis section of the home page.
- On this page, you can enter up to five inventory return transactions at one time. The field headings in the bar at the top correspond to the entry fields in the columns below.
- The Transaction Date will automatically populate with today's date.
- Select the Inventory Type of the item from the drop down list.
- Type the Item Number into the field or click on the binoculars icon to open a pop-up window where you can search for and select the item.
- Select the Pool that the items are being removed from.
- Enter a Return Reason.
- Enter the Quantity of items you are returning. The cost information will automatically populate.
- Enter the Work Order ID number (WOID) that these items were issued to, if applicable. *Note: When you save a return from a work order, the cost for those items will automatically be deducted from the total cost on the work order. You will see that the item was returned in the Transaction section of the work order.
- If you enter a WOID for this return, the Location, Building, Project, Assign To, and Budget Code will populate based on the information on that work order. If needed, you can select this information manually if the issue was not related to a work order.
- Enter Notes if needed.
- Click Save at the bottom of the form.